Tuesday 29 April 2014

Back again, time changes everything.
Now working together is better than moving apart, pragmatic as always.
Life is a struggle, seeing chaos before and after a person's health crisis is difficult, but a recovery of sorts helps get a life back on track. Transplants are an awful trauma for a patient and family. Being always aware of the intention of the donor, to save a life, a still quiet descends, at times. A wistful sadness for all life and one wonders at the destructive impulse, war being the ultimate betrayal of humanity.

 We in Europe, do not wish to see, hear or condone war. Memories of World War Two live with us.
Any nation stoking war or hate against another should be held to account. For too long the West has descended from the high ideals of so many. The line has been crossed. Plotting to bring war to Europe by any means is the greatest betrayal. We are neighbours to our Russian friends, it is time to hold peace as the prize.... not war.

Friday 12 April 2013

                                            The Power Of Three                                                                                                                                              

      Sometimes events occur one after the other, unfortunately. They come in threes, in my case, the third event a broken wrist, tripping over an inappropriately placed wooden miniature post, outside an Eco Shop. What a bad piece of luck, but hopefully, that's the end of it for a long time. All events linked to the cold, energy, surgery and food. At least I can type with my fingertips, or would be bored out of my mind. Pain has been around now for three months, incredible! All one can do is laugh. Anyway, spring is here, cold and dry. At least the flowers are growing. The birds fly, and life is not so bad. Life is full of decisions, which are difficult to deal with or face up to. Sometimes it gets really difficult. Many find, due to recessions,  freedom to follow a dream has been snatched away. Alternatives have to be developed or found. Whether it is a hobby or a way of life. A relationship or house, divorce or stay. Time is of the essence, sometimes, make a decision without delay. Or take time and way up the balance.

       Am at the stage of weighing up the balance, it is not pleasant. But then again, matters are very unpleasant for many, war, pollution, incredible injustice. so deciding your path has to be put in perspective.
The personality clash in a relationship is something, which after time may subside, but for some, finding common ground is difficult. Family, my children are my common ground, then it is a case of live and let live. At least Art is a great escape? or channel to follow. I berate my lack of courage in going it alone, but the economic landscape is not very encouraging. It is such an annoyance, time and lives, discoveries and talents all not free, to follow a dream. Of course, this is only happening a certain amount of people in the West. It is a modern age, yet 19th century banking, monetary bubble stings, austerities etc, lay waste, a joke in this the 21st century. Some people?, investors lack imagination, no innovative skills worth talking about, other than the fee/scale tollgate bank model. Pathetic. And these were experienced bankers at the top. In the meantime banking/QE funds GMO, Fracking and nuclear. Protesters are now using direct action. Wondered what it was, appears, it is a form of suffragette protest. Locked onto structures etc. many brave women of all ages, coming out to lend their presence. Chained to a doorpost, blocking a tractor or some such machine. I admire their commitment , their fear driving their citizens action, peacefully of course.

Friday 15 March 2013

Such a cold spring

So cold and no sign of it disappearing. This cold weather, five months, is too long. Not that anything can be done about it. The earth is a self righting organism and it will suit itself, whatever the weather. Has been a busy time, from flu. to St. Patrick's Day. A christian of the past, it probably was too dangerous for women to travel. So there came about the male christian church. Possibly. Anyway we live in modern times and there is no point harking back to the past. However we celebrate, coming out of the 'dark ages'. The fact that there has been many dark times since, does not cause the message to disappear. Love thy neighbour as thy self. The fact we have to be reminded, to treat others with kindness, is a bit of a shame. We are not perfect and information, education and kindness can be lost. Certainly, when it comes to nature, the respect due to it, has been lost. Not all people, but many influential persons have lost their direction. Nature and humanity are one. To destroy one, destroys the other. A cold spring and a cold future if Genetically Modified plants and creatures are seen as a sign of progress. Far from it.  An insult to nature, possibly the most destructive interference with the Golden Mean.