Tuesday 1 January 2013

Hope I keep some new year resolutions, nothing will come of them, if I don't get a move on.

Weather is putting me off and my hatred of house work is becoming a passing phase, I hope!
The modern nuclear family is a problem for women. it's true the narrow focus on family, house and lack of proximity to the bus is a pain in the neck. driving everyone everywhere. Of course, talk about a bus, but like everything, is not forthcoming in austerity Ireland. Anyway, everyone is preaching rise above it, rise above it. If I had known then what I know now, my life would certainly be different. Anyway my daughters will be well informed. Not to worry, when the sun comes out, this country area is beautiful. The only saving grace is nature and man is hellbent on destroying it. In the resources oil, etc chase. It is so ridiculous, when there is nothing but wind and sun and tide all around. Wall St. investors chase profit and it is right under their nose for all to see, profit for everyone in a better life, quality of life and peace.

Then, we also have the thrill of a number of nuclear power plants across the Irish sea. nothing like living on the edge, is there? Seems the politicians can't lift their heads and smell the roses. Locked into their desperate money making schemes, which seem to have no good to offer future generations. The only conclusion one can come to about the unethical business and political leaders is, they have absolutely no imagination at all. One would wonder how they live, in their unimaginative little world, maybe like Lilliput. The bureaucrats, technocrats, a different name for them all, every week. ESM's and Emmm's, EFS's and any other combination of instruments to put off the day of reckoning. The life they aspire to, will be theirs. But there is a law of diminishing returns. This time the the diminishing return is the environment itself. now it is sacrifice zones. We might as well be living, in the times of Mayan sacrifice. People are left to live in areas where nuclear power is vulnerable to unbelievable natural disaster. When disaster, happens, the victims are dispensable in an over populated world. That seems to be the attitude, everywhere the industry goes.

Then we have fracking to add to our joy and GMO to bring it right home to us. This is our world to make profit as we wish. Serfs obey and then say, maybe not, thank you very much. Many are so busy working, trying to live and keep food and a home for their family. Having raised  my children, I know how awfully hard it is. Women today, can't run to the family farm and relatives for a break, nor gather farm produce to take back to the city. No, everything is in narrow focus. Anyway, the pesticides might be the death of you.
This is the problem with life today, it's a very narrow avenue and focus. I know it may not be true in other area's of the world, but the island life is narrow. The internet has given an opportunity to see and share stories and information, on life elsewhere. The unbelievable intrusion on land, extracting gas, without respect for the health of families, preservation of the land and water, is shocking. It is as if all environmental standards and human rights have been ditched with no remorse or consequences. The sixties and seventies were times of hope for some kind of a future but today's ethos is shocking. The Age of Aquarius was mentioned for some romantic reason, whatever it means, I hope it becomes a reality.

Saturday 29 December 2012

Red Guardian of the water and land.

Our water, our fish.

I am working on a set of images to portray the Christmas Song. Twelve days of Christmas. A favourite from childhood. Many interpretations of it's meaning. My children are older now and having a grandchild makes it apparent that time is passing by. The time of the the year is special to many. Especially as we celebrate family with one family. Hope there will be change for the better in the New Year, as the smile has been wiped from the heart of many. Austerity in Europe is an attack on the family. There are many issues with land and water, a modern time haunted by greed. Hoping for change to a better way of life. So good bye to 2012 and now to face the new year with determination and effort.

The First day of Christmas.